Merrill Lynch International LLC, Seoul Branch: Regulatory Information
Disclosures and Notices
- 보호금융상품등록부 (List of KDIC insured products)
- 영업보고서 3Q2024 (Business Report 3Q2024)
- 영업보고서 2Q2024 (Business Report 2Q2024)
- 영업보고서 1Q2024 (Business Report 1Q2024)
- 투자자예탁금 이용료 지급기준 (Internal standards on interest payment of client’s deposit)
- 매매거래계좌설정약관 (주식) (Agreement on opening of derivatives trading accounts-cash equites)
- 매매거래계좌설정약관 (파생) (Agreement on opening of derivatives trading accounts-derivaties)
- DMA서비스 약관 (DMA services terms and conditions)
- 위탁수수료 부과기준 (Internal standards on brokerage commission)
- 메릴린치증권 매매주문 접수처리 방법 등 이용 안내문 (Merrill lynch user guide on the method of receiving and processing trading orders)
- 개인정보처리방침 (Personal information operating policy)
- 방문판매인력 명부 (List of door-to-door sales employees)