2024 Business Owner Report

May 2024

This year’s survey explores the perspectives, aspirations and outlooks of small and mid-sized business owners across the U.S.

Key takeaways

  • The majority of U.S. business owners anticipate revenue growth this year, as 87% of mid-sized business owners and 65% of small business owners expect their revenue to increase over the next 12 months.
  • Business owners’ economic outlooks varied by the size of their business: three-quarters of mid-sized business owners expect the national economy to improve over the next 12 months, while only one-third of small business owners expect the same.
  • While concerns over inflation have come down slightly since this time last year, 90% of mid-sized and 84% of small business still say that it is currently impacting their business.

Read our full analysis for a more in-depth look at these trends.