Bank of America N.A. Seoul Branch: Regulatory Information
Disclosures and Notices
- 경영공시 (Financial status disclosure 3Q 2024)
- 경영공시 (Financial status disclosure 2Q 2024)
- 경영공시 (Financial status disclosure 2023)
- 임원 선임 공시(Appointment of the branch manager)
- 금융소비자보호 내부통제기준 (Internal control standard for financial consumer protection)
- 정보교류차단관련 주요 내용 (Internal control standards for information sharing)
- 신용정보의 활용 체제 (Credit information utilization system)
- 보호금융상품등록부 (List of KDIC insured products)
- 투자권유준칙 (Investment recommendation standard)
- 방문판매 및 전화권유판매 임직원 정보 (List of employees who conducts door to door sales activity)
- 금리인하요구권 안내 (Information on the right to request interest rate reduction)
- 개인정보 처리방침 (영상정보처리기기 운영포함) (Personal information operating policy, including operating of image processing equipment)
- 외환거래약정서 – 기업용 (Agreement for Foreign Exchange Transaction)