"Bank of America" is the marketing name for the lending, derivatives and other commercial banking activities of Bank of America Corporation ("BAC"). These activities are performed globally by banking affiliates of BAC and in Australia by Bank of America, N.A. Australian Branch ("BANA Australia"). "BofA Securities" is the marketing name for the securities, corporate advisory and capital markets activities of BAC. These activities are performed in Australia by Merrill Lynch Markets (Australia) Pty. Limited, Merrill Lynch (Australia) Futures Limited, Merrill Lynch Equities (Australia) Limited and their related bodies corporate which hold, or are exempt from the requirement to hold, an Australian Financial Services Licence. Apart from BANA Australia, none of the other BAC entities including BAC itself is an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution authorised under the Banking Act 1959 of Australia regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. The obligations of BAC entities (other than BANA Australia) do not represent deposits or other liabilities of BANA Australia and are not guaranteed by BANA Australia. ©2025 Bank of America Corporation.