Taipei: Statements and Disclosures
其他 | Other Disclosures
- 存款牌告利率 | Deposit Board Rate
- 內部控制制度聲明書 | 2023 Internal Control Statement
- 防制洗錢及打擊資恐內部控制制度聲明書 | 2023 AML Control Statement
- 客戶身分審查常見問答集及聯繫窗口| AML/CFT- CDD related FAQ & Contact Window
- 金融服務費用資訊 | Branch Standard Pricing
- 法定公開揭露呆帳轉銷之客戶資料 | Write Off Document
- 存放款計息方式 | Interest Calculation for Deposit and Loan
- 辦理非中小企業專案貸款暨信用保證要點單一諮詢及申訴窗口 | Single enquiry and complaint window for main points of handling specific loans and credit guarantees to non-Small and Medium-size Enterprise
- 服務申訴窗口 | Complaint Window
- 恢復靜止戶公告 | Dormant Account Reactive Notice
- 人民幣業務風險預告書 | Risk Disclosure of RMB Business
- 中華民國銀行公會-防制洗錢及打擊資恐專區 | BAROC Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Resources